A Letter to friends, sponsors and members
Kiel, 08.02.2014
Dear members, sponsors and friends of our Society,
Maybe you have been waiting for news of our school in Jadan – here they come:
In January 2014 I travelled to India, and of course, I took the opportunity for a tour of our school during school hours. Once again I noticed how well the donations were used.
Immediately after I had expressed my desire to visit the school, Mangal Mani - the contact person in India to our Association, announced me to the school principal. The principal soon informed his assistant principal who picked me instantly up and showed me around with no warning or announcement to the teachers.
While I went with him through the building, I notice the gentle, open and trusting atmosphere everywhere around. The class rooms had open doors, and the students worked so disciplined and quietly that no class disturbed the other.
When school started again right after holidays, we attended the opening event together with a small group of visitors. It was held in the large hall in which all children fit in. The students were not nervous or even impressed by the fact that we were sitting on the stage. The scenery was peaceful and quiet, all were sitting disciplined and ordered, and there was no pushing or scramble. Initially, all together sang a prayer.
In a conversation with the principal I was told later that a high value in school is placed on the observance of rules, although they would never use physical punishment to achieve this.
Later, it was reported to me, it turned out last year that we can no longer afford a school of this size.
Therefore, the supervisor of the school, M. M. Sw. Jasraj Puri, founded a committee which decided first of all to change the organization in order to prevent more serious cuts.
The school is now changed into a full-time school, so that school buses only have to go twice a day. This means saving of the largest cost factor. Further, no new students can be included in the next two years. In the long run, the total number will be limited to 700 students.
In recent years, M.M. Sw. Jasraj Puriji observed that the sponsored books and uniforms are treated worse than those paid. Paid things are treated better because it is their own property and will be passed on in the families. It turned out that many parents can afford the school uniforms and school books.
That is why the organisation of the Gyan Putra scheme was changed. From now on, the parents will buy the school uniforms, books and teaching aids, and they will also pay for the school bus. Some parents may find it difficult to afford these costs, but yet it is the only way to continue the Gyan Putra project and continue to provide good education to children that they would not have otherwise.
Those children who were selected by Gyan Putra scheme, as well as all girls, still need not to pay school fees. The school lessons for Gyan Putra children remains free. This is only possible through our contributions - the members and supporters from different countries from all over the world! (The membership fee is 70,00 €. Whether you are a member or not, you can become a sponsor for 85,00 € - this amount allows a child to a full year to go to school).
The salaries of teachers are also paid by donations (currently there are 43 teachers who earn between five thousand and eighteen thousand Rupees per month, depending on their level of training and extent of employment. The exchange rate per February 2014 was 1 € = 80 Rupees).
We also sponsor the maintenance and repairs of the building, the classrooms and specialized classrooms, as well as the interior, the janitor, the cleaning staff and cleaning supplies. This means that the Gyan Putra scheme creates the prerequisite for qualified education that would otherwise not be feasible or could be offered to any student.
Our aim, to allow girls and boys a good education, is still possible after the modified system.
I was once again able to witness with my own eyes how motivated the students are, how lucky they feel, and how proud they are that they go to school. They are thankful for the opportunity!
In this sense, I thank you all on behalf of the Association for the years of constant donation activities.
On behalf of the Board members
Heartfelt greetings
Elke Deppert
Chairman of the Board