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Gyan Putra - Unterstützung von Schulkindern

Unsere Motive

Motive für unserer Handeln

Aus dem Gefühl der Dankbarkeit, mit unserem Wohlstand helfen zu können und der Mitverantwortung für andere Menschen, wurde der Verein zum Aufbau und zur Unterstützung von Erziehungs- und Forschungsprojekten in Indien e.V. gegründet.

Die Wüstenregion Rajasthans in Indien hat eine sehr schwache Infrastruktur und eine hohe Arbeitslosenrate. Die staatlichen Schulen der Region sind überfüllt und es herrscht auch ein Mangel an Lehrern. Dazu kommt, dass viele Eltern die Kosten für eine Ausbildung der Kinder nicht tragen können.

Aber nur eine qualifizierte Schulbildung ermöglicht den Kindern eine finanziell abgesicherte Zukunft.

Mädchen bedürfen einer besonderen Unterstützung, da in vielen Familien noch die traditionelle Haltung besteht, dass die Töchter später ohnehin heiraten und die Familie verlassen.

Ein Ziel des Vereins ist es daher, Schulprojekte ins Leben zu rufen und zu fördern, um auch Töchtern mittelloser Eltern eine Schulbildung zu ermöglichen.


The joy of learning

Whenever one of us comes to the school for an unanounced visit, we are startled by the discipline in the classrooms, pupils listening carefully and working quietly. You can feel they really want to learn, taking in as much information as they can, like a sponge soaking water. They are happy and proud pupils, and most of them seem to be quite aware of the opportunity they have and will surely make the best they can out of this opportunity. It is an absolute pleasure to support these children. The atmosphere in the school building and classrooms is filled with joy and harmony, as well as the will for learning and thirst for knowledge. The pupils and teachers are very friendly, open and curious, starting conversations with us and patiently answering our questions.

Present activities in our school

In our school the teachers are carefully chosen by an international committee to ensure high standards in teaching. In the school year 2015/2016, 30 teachers are teaching 830 students, which is a good ratio, ensuring that the pupils are well taken care of. The school is well equipped with computers, whiteboards, a library, chemistry, physics and biology laboratories, as well as sports equipment. Our pupils work very hard and We put special emphasis on girls education in our school. To promote this in the villages and families, the girls do not have to pay school fees, as they are sponsored by the Gyan Putra scheme. Currently, 32% of pupils in our school are girls, the percentage of girls usually varies between 30 and 40 percent. Our school buses pick the students up in the morning and drop them off in the afternoon, ensuring a safe way to the school and back home for all our students. A great emphasis is put on creating a respectful atmosphere in the school among everybody who is part of the school, thus the girls in our school feel very safe. The result of these efforts is that many girls do not drop out of school and finish school after 10th class or 12th class.


The director of the school, Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puriji, nicely depicted some of the successes of the school. "There are two times when the students of all schools in Rajasthan do common examinations which are marked by external markers - 10th and 12th class. Therefore these results are taken for those two examinations in the year 2014.

10th Board ExamPassedFailedPercentage passed
Total other schools 227 133 63%
Our school 104 4 96%
12th Board ExamPassedFailedPercentage passed
Total other schools 367 122 75%
Our school - total 170 2 99%
- Arts 70 0 100%
- Commerce 24 0 100%
- Science 56 2 96%

Considering our students are coming from rural backgrounds and mostly don’t have any additional tuitions like many students from towns have, these results are a great achievement. One notable factor is also the success of the Science students. This reflects the standard of education in Science in the school, a subject which is not offered in most of the schools around the area.

Our students are now studying in many different fields at various institutions

  • One boy is studying Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, one of the hardest schools to get admission into in India.
  • Several girls have also been admitted into Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and to Engineering.
  • Three of the teachers in our school are ex students, having studied at our school and our college. They are excellent teachers with a strong relationship to the principles and values of our Ashram.
  • Many students have gone on to get appointments in the Government as well as in the Army and Air Force - jobs which are highly prized in the local community.

When students achieve it provides inspiration for the next generation of students. This is reflected in the outstanding group of students which is now coming through 11th class and are urging each other towards excellence. Shree Vishwa Deep Gurukul Senior Secondary School aims to open up a world of opportunity to the students providing a high quality of education, community values, a spiritual environment and giving the students the confidence to pursue their dreams. Whether it is helping the best students to achieve or helping the weakest students to improve, the school gives all a chance and the results show that the teachers endeavours and Swamiji’s vision are breeding success. Thank you for all your support" Swami Jasraj Puri